As a lifelong outdoorist, landscape photographer and 16 time artist-in-residence for the National Park Service I’ve spent years living alone and photographing in over 120 of America’s parks and forests. My work highlights not only the beauty of these landscapes but also the environmental challenges they face. I’m also honored to have received the U.S. Presidential 1,000 Points of Light Award for my photography of our national lands and efforts to increase awareness of the challenges they face.
Above all else, my photography is guided by a reverence and deep respect for Nature, asking permission of Nature before I enter an area to photograph and patience waiting for the perfect moment to capture the image. These are part of the Native American (Iroquois / Tuscarora) ethics, values and beliefs that guide all of my work and my life.
Instead of looking for subjects that catch my eye I first ask permission of Nature to photograph and then listen to the land. Over time, something whispers for my attention in ways my eyes would never have seen. When this occurs, I often discover that the camera has already made the photograph.