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SKU: 5374 Categories: ,


Columbus, OH

Downtown Columbus; Ohio is a vibrant and progressive community built upon a long and rich history seen through its riverfront location and modern architecture. This digitally unmanipulated image was made on an overcast; storm-threatening August morning as sunlight momentarily broke through an opening in the clouds. It was made using a modern digital camera and vintage photographic glass filters to convey a sense of its present day landscape in a historic photographic fashion. [Photo 5374]

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Print on Metal, Print on Paper

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10×15" print on metal, 10×15" print on paper, 12×18" print on metal, 12×18" print on paper, 16×24″ print on paper, 16×24" print on metal, 20×30″ print on metal, 20×30″ print on paper, 24×36″ print on metal, 30×45″ print on metal