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SKU: 6830 Categories: ,


Cityscape, Columbus, OH

Downtown Columbus; Ohio is a vibrant; progressive and ever-changing community built upon a long and rich history seen through its riverfront location and both historic and modern architecture. This digitally untouched image was made during the evening following the city’s final snow storm of the year. It was made using a modern digital camera and vintage (circa 1900) photographic glass filters to create and convey a sense of its present day landscape in a historic photographic fashion. [Photo 6830]

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10×15" print on metal, 10×15" print on paper, 12×18" print on metal, 12×18" print on paper, 16×24″ print on paper, 16×24" print on metal, 20×30″ print on metal, 20×30″ print on paper, 24×36″ print on metal, 30×45″ print on metal